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3 Ways to Boost Productivity Using AI Large Language Models

One of the most exciting applications of advanced language models like ChatGPT is as a productivity multiplier in our daily lives. AI chatbots, like ChatGPT, Gemini, or any of the many A.I. options available, offer a range of capabilities that can streamline tasks and supplement human cognition when leveraged effectively.

Boosting Productivity with AI Chatbots: Powerful Assistants with Limitations

Personal Productivity Partners

These broad knowledge tools allow for quickly gathering information and insights for research purposes. Students can ask an AI for comprehensive overviews and key points on academic topics, notes, and lectures to rapidly build foundational understanding before diving deeper.

Many professionals are also using AI chatbots as virtual personal assistants, integrating them into morning routines with custom prompts. 

For general use that anyone can use, if you were attempting to better organize your week , you can feed the LLM(Large Language Model) data, in this case, your schedule, meetings, bed time, etc and then prompt it with something like this:

"Help me create a prioritized task list for the week, considering the due dates, importance, and estimated effort required for each task."

An example answer would be:

“Certainly! Based on the information you provided, here's a suggested prioritized task list for the week:

Finalize and Submit Quarterly Report (Due: Friday)

Importance: High

Estimated Effort: 6 hours

This task has a tight deadline and is crucial for compliance and stakeholder communication.

Prepare Presentation for Client Pitch (Due: Thursday)

Importance: High

Estimated Effort: 4 hours

Winning this client is a top priority for the business, so preparing a compelling presentation is essential.

Conduct Performance Reviews for Team Members

Importance: High

Estimated Effort: 8 hours

Performance reviews are important for providing feedback and supporting team development.

Respond to Outstanding Client Emails

Importance: Medium

Estimated Effort: 2 hours

Maintaining good client communication is important, but this task can be addressed after higher-priority items.

Update Project Documentation

Importance: Medium

Estimated Effort: 3 hours

Documentation is essential for knowledge transfer and project continuity, but it can be completed after critical deadlines.

Attend Weekly Team Meeting

Importance: Medium

Estimated Effort: 1 hour

Attending the team meeting is important for collaboration and staying aligned with team goals.

Review and Provide Feedback on Marketing Proposals

Importance: Low

Estimated Effort: 2 hours

While valuable, this task can be completed after more pressing priorities.

This prioritized list considers the due dates, importance, and estimated effort required for each task. High-priority tasks with upcoming deadlines and critical importance are ranked at the top, followed by medium-priority tasks, and finally lower-priority tasks that can be addressed later in the week.”

Supercharging Ideation

But these AI sidekicks aren't just good for staying on top of your to-do list. In business settings, teams can leverage AI assistants to help ideate new product offerings. By describing the target market, desired features, and design constraints, the AI can propose innovative product ideas that combine insights from multiple domains in unique ways.

Marketers and advertisers are using AI tools to develop fresh creative campaigns. The AI can spontaneously generate catchy slogans, visualize engaging ad concepts, and even draft transcripts for video scripts or audio voice overs, accelerating the ideation process.

For entrepreneurs exploring new business opportunities, AI chatbots can assist in fleshing out potential ideas from scratch. Users can have in-depth conversations with the AI, discussing target industries, competitive landscapes, financial modeling, and go-to-market strategies. The AI offers analytical insights and thoughtful suggestions to help validate and iterate on the core business concept.

Enhancing Writing and Content Creation

One of the most widespread uses of AI chatbots is as a multipurpose aid for writers and content creators. These tools can draft emails, reports, articles, and written content of all kinds from simple prompts, while also editing and improving clarity. Some use AI to polish important career materials like LinkedIn profiles and resume updates.

For creative writing, AI chatbots can help overcome writer's block by proposing fresh narrative ideas, describing scenes, and developing characters. A novelist could feed the AI a basic plot summary and receive suggestions for richly-detailed settings, storylines, and dialogue to explore.

In content marketing, the AI assists with tasks like generating blog post titles and outlines, crafting social media copy, and even scripting video voice overs or podcast episodes. A YouTube creator, for instance, could simply describe their video concept to the AI and receive a full draft script.

Potential for Hallucinations

It's important to note that while incredibly capable, AI language models like ChatGPT can sometimes confidently generate outputs that are inaccurate or inconsistent with facts - a phenomenon known as hallucination. In one example, an AI was fed the name of a made-up company yet still produced a detailed but entirely fabricated description of what that business supposedly did.

When utilizing these tools, it's crucial to think critically, fact-check important claims, and view the AI's outputs as assistive drafts rather than ground truth. They augment human capabilities best when deployed thoughtfully alongside rigorous verification and human judgment.

While coding assistance is a common AI use case, their real potential may lie in enhancing productivity across the entire spectrum of knowledge work, creative pursuits, and content creation. When used judiciously, these AI partners offer powerful capabilities to streamline our daily efforts.

Article written by

Dejon Johnson: Web Development Specialist

Based in Detroit, I'm a freelance front end developer with experience in website development, and management. Skilled in creating engaging, interactive, SEO friendly websites, and dedicated to finding creative solutions to solve complex problems. Additionally I teach foundational courses covering HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap

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